
Monday Sneak Peeks {Sebasco Harbor} | Phippsburg Maine Family Photographer

Happy Monday, everyone!! It is a rainy and icky Monday here in Southern Maine today, but on Friday evening I had a sunny and beautiful evening in Phippsburg with Kate, Jeremy, Julie, Abbie, and James. These guys own a home along the coast at Sebasco Harbor and wanted to have their family photos taken at their special place. I’m so happy they chose this location because everything from the house, to the gardens, the dock, the rocks, and the harbor were just such a stunning backdrop for this super-sweet and gorgeous family of five. I can’t wait to go through all of their images, and our evening together was such a fun way to kick off the weekend. Here are some sneak peeks – I can’t wait to share more soon!

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien