
The 365 Project {2019} | May – Maine Family and Lifestyle Photographer

As I sit here writing this post, I’m not quite sure how it is already the last day of May, because I’m pretty sure it was just a few days ago that I was writing my April post. This month went by in the blink of an eye, which I guess should be no surprise as May is traditionally incredibly busy with softball, end of the year projects and celebrations, and the uptick in client work as the weather becomes warmer. This year May was a bit of a rollercoaster. We celebrated my brother’s college graduation, and are mourning the too-fast loss of my aunt who passed just a week ago after a short battle with cancer. We had a few warm and sunny days, and a lot of rainy and chilly ones, and it seems the weather adjusted itself to our mood and life as things came to be over the past few weeks. With all of its ups and downs though, May allowed me a collection of images that I’m proud of, and excited about. Next month brings a quick trip to Oregon to celebrate my aunt’s life, as well as the end of school, and the start of summer. It’s crazy to think we are almost halfway through the year already.

There are 31 days in May. These are our 31 days of May, 2019.

To view the full 2019 collection, click here.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien