
The 365 Project {2022}, June, July, & August | Maine Family and Lifestyle Photographer

It seems like every year summer speeds up. Of course, we all enter the season knowing it will go quickly, but somehow each year time seems to move faster and faster, and here we are on September 6th, and the first day of school. I had originally planned to share June and July together in early August, and then August on it’s own, but as summer always does, it got busy ,and so I decided to wait and post all three months together. I actually love that I waited, because to see the entirety of our transition into summer and summer itself all at once makes me smile on this rainy September afternoon.

I made some changes in my business this year – big scary changes that I feared may break it all, but that I hoped may bring some balance to my life. This summer I took fewer sessions, and spent more time with my family, and I am so unbelievably grateful to be sitting here on the other side of it less burned out, and still in business. (THANK YOU to all of you who were so wonderfully understanding and supportive! ❤️). June brought the end of the school year, my first solo hike in Acadia National Park, and lots of pre-teen time with friends for Molly, including sleepovers and lots of ice cream. July was a huge month – with my first trip to Click Away in Chicago – where I traveled solo and met and learned from some absolutely incredible photographers who even months later are continuing to inspire me every day. I fell in love with Chicago (cannot WAIT to go back!), and came home to our first Yarmouth Clam Festival (aka my most favorite weekend ever) in three years. We ended July with Molly’s performance as the witch in Lyric Music Theater’s production of “Into the Woods Jr.”.  July wrapped up and we headed into August so quickly, where we enjoyed the beach, friends, a vacation to Acadia (a VACATION! IN THE SUMMER!), and more time with friends as we soaked up every last minute of summer fun. August also documented my first time in 1,328 days that I missed a photo. ???? Ugh. That was a gut punch. But the project rolls on, and that day will just have to live in our heads. 

There are 30 days in June, 31 days in July, and 30 days of August. These are our 30 days of June, 31 days of July, and 30 – I mean 29 – days of August, 2022. ????

To view the full 365 {2022} Project (so far!), click here.


Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien