
The C Family {Wells Beach} | Wells Maine Family Photographer

Oh my goodness am I excited to share this one. I think in all my years of taking family photos, the light in this session is up there in the top tier of gorgeousness. Wells Beach is always amazing, but on this September evening as haze from western fires rolled in, we had a peach sunset that was unlike any other. I have been taking photos for Christina, Reed, Eland, and Oliver for four years now, and after a few years of mini sessions, I was so excited when they booked a full-length session this year. Eland and Oliver are two boys with big energy, and having the time to let them run and play in between poses was perfect for this crew. Christina’s parents joined us for a few photos at the beginning, and then we soaked up the gorgeous sunset and huge waves along the beach. I absolutely love the goofy and adorable energy of this family, and think we struck a wonderful balance of silly and sweet on this night that was about as dreamy as they come. Here are my many favorites of this beautiful family on this perfect September evening.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien