
The CN Family | Phippsburg Maine Family Photographer

Aww man, fair warning, this is a gushy one. Because today’s blog post features year number TEN with the C/N Family and I can’t even believe that is possible. I first met this awesome family when little Miles was just about a year old, and over the years I have had the extreme pleasure of capturing this family every year. I’ve captured Miles grow from a baby to a toddler with curls, to a big brother to Lydia, and a super smart, sweet, and funny grown boy. I’ve captured Lydia go from a brand new baby taking in the world around her, to a beautiful young lady full of so much personality and beautiful energy that you can’t help but be taken by her presence. I’ve captured Ingrid and Allyson grow as parents and as a couple, and even though we only see each other for about an hour each year, each time we meet up, it’s like spending time with old friends, catching up on our lives, our families, and capturing the beauty of theirs. These guys have been with me since the earliest of days, and have helped to fulfill my dream of capturing families for years as they grow. There is truly no greater gift as a photographer than the one this family has given me, and I am so unbelievably grateful to them for staying with me as I grew and as my business grew over the years. It has been an incredible honor to grow together.

For our big 10 session, we headed to Popham Beach. Some of you may remember last year’s session at Popham – on a night with the craziest winds I’ve ever photographed in (I think I pulled sand out of my hair for days!). Our perseverance through last year’s craziness was rewarded this year, as we returned to the same spot, and had one heck of a gorgeous night. The surf was crazy on this evening – with waves probably as high as my house (literally!) off shore, and a sky that went from bright to simply magnificent as we worked our way down the beach and out to the island. It was a magical night, perfect to celebrate ten years with this crew, and I am so excited to share my many favorites of all the love and laughter of this family and this year’s session.

To Ingrid, Allyson, Miles, and Lydia – thank you, thank you. I can’t wait to see what the next ten bring us. ❤️

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien