
The H Family | Portsmouth New Hampshire Family Photographer

It is always extra special to get family in front of my cameras, especially when it is family we don’t get to see very often. A few weeks ago I had my annual session with Meaghan, Brian, Izzy, and Liam, which is always something I look forward to because they are so darn fun to photograph, and it’s guaranteed cousin time. This year we headed to Prescott Park in Portsmouth, where we also did photos six years ago on a night that was freeeeezing cold with a little baby Liam who was not too excited about the chilly weather. We were redeemed this year, on an early October evening that was comfortable and pretty, with soft clouds in the sky, still-blooming flowers in the garden, and seriously silly and adorable kiddos with whom to enjoy it all. Izzy and Liam are growing like weeds (seriously, I think they both grew at least a foot this year!), and are still total buds and total hams in front of the camera. I loved capturing them with Meg and Brian and soaking up all of the silly and fun energy of this special family. Much love to all four of them – here are my favorites of our evening!


Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien