
The L Family {Lifestyle Session} | Gorham Maine Family and Lifestyle Photographer

Last Wednesday I got up early, grabbed my coffee, and headed out the door much earlier than usual to drive to Gorham to meet Brooke, Callen, and Emelia for a morning lifestyle session at their home in Gorham. Brooke wanted to capture her morning routine with her kiddos, both for herself and for her upcoming new website for her nutrition business (you can follow her on Instagram here). It was so fun to be a part of the start of their day as I captured the three of them enjoying breakfast, dancing it out with “microphones” (aka the kitchen whisk) with Jake Owen on the tv, enjoying some quiet reading and snuggling, and doing everyday morning things like dishes and vacuuming. Even if you have little kids or big ones, as moms, we pretty much start our days in our running shoes, and to capture a peek into the busy every day morning for this crew was fun, silly, and something I’m so glad I had the opportunity to do. Here are my favorites from our time together!


Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien