
The R Family {Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park} | Freeport Maine Family Photographer

I first met Meghan and Strother in 2015, when little Ciro was just a baby, and they were just at the beginning of their family journey. Fast forward seven years, and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing this crew – plus little brother Hugo who joined a few year later – almost every year since. Watching this family grow together has been such a pleasure. Ciro is quiet and thoughtful, and Hugo is a total nut in front of the camera. I love having the opportunity to capture their bond and individual personalities year after year. What has not changed, and what has been incredibly obvious since day one, is how much joy Meghan and Strother find in parenting their two kiddos. They are attentive, loving, and so happy to be spending time together with each other and their children. It has been a true honor and joy to watch them grow as parents as well. This year we headed to Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park in Freeport – a place where we have had a few of their sessions over the years. This time we explored a new path, and familiar ones too, and as always, I loved capturing this beautiful family as they adventured and enjoyed time together. Here are my favorites from our time together a few weeks ago.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien