
The S Family | Harpswell Maine Family Photographer

Every summer I am lucky to work with a number of extended families, who come together here in Maine for any number of reasons. A few weeks ago, I met the extended “S” Family. These guys came together for a celebration of life, and as we all know, there are just a handful of times families are all together, and it is usually either to celebrate or mourn. Abby decided to take advantage of the time she had with her family this summer to say goodbye to her uncle, but also to celebrate having everyone here in Maine, and to capture her family all together. We met up at Land’s End in Harpswell, where we did a few photos with the whole crew, and then focused most of our time on Abby’s immediate family along with her brother’s family, her dad and her dad’s girlfriend. This session was such a beautiful mix of group photos and playful adventuring, and I loved chasing the littles around on the rocks and on the beach as they explored and skipped rocks, while also capturing some group photos of the families. I so hope this evening was a highlight for this super sweet crew, and I am excited to share my many favorites of our fun night on the peninsula.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien