
Wednesday Sneak Peeks! | Brunswick and Kennebunk Maine Family Photographer

Oh my goodness what a week it has been for sessions. After Sunday evening’s stunning shoot at Spring Point Lighthouse, my next two nights were also full of so much love, light, and just amazing humans. Monday evening I headed to Brunswick, where I got to see Katie, Patrick, Charlie, and Parker at their new home. We played in the yard, hung out with the chickens, and then ventured across the street to enjoy the fields and farm down the hill. Last night I headed south to Parsons Beach in Kennebunk with Alisha, Leo, Elliot, and Sylvie on a night with incredibly gorgeous soft light, and a really special momma-kiddo session. I am beyond excited about both sessions and cannot even wait to go through all of their images. Here are some sneak peeks!

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien