Twelve weeks ago we started remote schooling, and at the time, I thought the two weeks we would be out of school would feel like a lifetime. Now, twelve weeks, and no return to school later, I am floored by how fast this time is flying. May was the month we finally began to truly settle into this new normal. The month where daily temper tantrums (both mine and hers), simmered into pockets of “take a minute” instead of slamming doors and going for angry walks. The month where we stopped fighting the new normal and instead decided to embrace it. The month where the weather finally started to turn and we braved leaving the house for beach and adventure time. The month where I watched my 4th grader go from a scared, frustrated student, to a confident, self-directed learner. The month where we literally stopped to smell the flowers. While we miss our old normal, we are accepting the current one, and I continue to be grateful for the ability to capture this crazy year as it unfolds. I know this summer will be nothing like it ever has been, and yet I look forward to a June with the return of client sessions (and fresh blog posts, yay!), and the determination to enjoy a summer here in Maine, hopefully surrounded by sunshine, beach, friends (even if they have to be socially distant), and the desire and ability to be Mainers who support Mainers during this challenging tourism season.
There are 31 days in May. These are our 31 days of May, 2020.