
Monday Sneak Peeks! | Falmouth Maine and Portsmouth New Hampshire Family Photographer

It was a quick jump from summer to fall this weekend, as October brought cooler temps after a warm September. I was scheduled to have four sessions this weekend, but a rainy Sunday brought that down to two, and I am so excited to share sneak peeks from the first part of the weekend. Friday evening I met up with Amanda, Billy, Patrick, and Timothy at the Audubon in Falmouth. I was so excited to see these guys again after a few years and meet the littlest member of the family! Saturday evening I headed south to Prescott Park in Portsmouth for an evening with our cousins Meaghan, Brian, Izzy, and Liam for a sweet and silly session amongst the gardens and open areas of the park. I’m so excited about both of these sessions and can’t wait to share more. Here are some sneak peeks – check back soon for more!

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien