
Baby Gracie and the P Family | Yarmouth Maine Family and Newborn Photographer

I have to start this post by giving a huge thank you to Nicole, Max, Luke, and baby Gracie for their patience over these past few weeks, as just after taking these photos I zipped off to Florida for my own family vacation. And while the Florida sun was pretty darn fantastic (check back soon for photos!), I can’t think of a better way to come back from vacation than to spend today editing these images of the four of them at their beautiful home here in Yarmouth. I’ve known Nicole for several years now as she was a friend and study buddy in grad school, and while we don’t often see each other, I’ve loved watching her beautiful family come together over the past few years. I was so excited when she asked if I would photograph brand new baby Gracie, alongside herself, dad Max, and big brother Luke. Two-week-old Gracie was as sleepy as could be through most of our session, making it easy to photograph her sweet features and snuggly personality. Big brother was literally in super hero mode, and was such a big helper with his new baby sister, all the while making me giggle throughout our time together. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to photograph these guys and share their photos, and I hope the wait was worth it for these photos of this super-cute family of four.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien