
Baby Jace {5 Days} and the H Family | Portland Maine Family Photographer

Anyone who knows me, knows I’m a bit of a sucker for newborn snuggles. There’s just nothing like those little tiny toes and hands and the sweet feeling of a brand new baby in your arms. With Jace, I was fully prepared to photograph his snuggly little self approximately two weeks from now. But the little guy had bigger plans, and arrived instead about two weeks ago, three full weeks before he was due, and two days before my scheduled maternity session with mom and dad Jamie and Clark, and big sister, Elliot. For being three weeks early, Jace was still a good size at around 7lbs, and his sweet fingers, toes, and face were a treat for the camera. Even though the family had been quickly thrust into life as a family of four, you would have never known that any sort of commotion had taken place just five days prior, as together they were calm, patient, and sweet as could be with each other, as well as with the extended family that joined us in the second half of the session. I am loving all of these newborn sessions I’ve been gifted with this year, and am so excited to share this peek into the early days of sweet Jace and his beautiful family.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien