
Monday Sneak Peeks! | Phippsburg and Scarborough Maine Family Photographer

Happy Monday once again! I feel like the weeks are flying by this year, and I can’t believe we are already almost halfway through September. Today I am so excited to share sneak peeks from two absolutely incredible beach sessions. Friday night I headed north to Popham for year TEN with the C/N Family (I’ll get all gushy about them in their full blog post!). We arrived to a beach with crazy waves and bright light that quickly turned into the most gorgeous night of the season with perfect cotton candy skies and stunning ocean tones. Last night I headed to Higgins for a much-anticipated beach session with the “B” Family who had to reschedule not once, but twice, due to icky weather this summer. They were rewarded for their patience with the most soft and gorgeous evening at Higgins with high tide waves and lots and lots of fun water play. Here are sneak peeks from both incredible sessions – I can’t wait to share more soon!