Ahh, March. There’s always a big part of me that looks forward to March, and even though my hopes and dreams of sunny 65 degree March days are often shattered year after year, I always enter the month full of anticipation of longer, brighter days, and the beginning of the change to warmer weather. After a very cold February, March did treat us to some warmer moments, allowing the hope for an early spring to become stronger by the day. After a very long start to the year without any photo sessions, I finally got back behind the camera in March for some time with clients, and as a family we also started to get outside again – even enjoying dinner on the beach one evening! March brought time with family and friends here at home, and time with extended family in Connecticut, Molly’s much anticipated and 6-month delayed 11th birthday celebration (after being quarantined two days before her party last September!), and a new burst of color, light, and energy. March is always the month we begin to re-emerge from the winter hunker, to enjoy days with more light, and feel the excitement in the air as spring makes its approach.
There are 31 days in March. These are our 31 days of March, 2022.
To view the full 365 {2022} Project (so far!), click here.