
The C Family | Cape Elizabeth Maine Family Photographer

I’m always fascinated by people’s friendship stories, and love thinking about how it is that people become connected. I first met Ashley about 11 years ago, in an online mom’s group full of women expecting babies in September of that year. Not long after our babies were born, Ashley’s husband Nik learned that his residency would bring them from North Carolina to Maine, and a real-life friendship was born. Since that day we have enjoyed play dates and trips (several of which were on a train to the North Pole with the two silliest kids on the planet), birthday parties, holiday dinners and more. We laugh that our kids Molly and Ryan have been like a little old married couple to each other since they were toddlers, and love how connected and silly they still are when they are together, even if these days it is not as much as we’d like it to be, as they get older and we all become more involved in our own communities. Through it all these guys have been incredibly supportive of my work as a photographer, so to get them in front of my cameras again for the first time in a few years was super special. This year we headed to Fort Williams on an evening that was supposed to be super grey and dark (seriously, we considered rescheduling), and ended up giving us absolutely phenomenal cotton candy skies. On top of that, we explored sections of the park that I had never explored, creating images with the fort and new views of the lighthouse in front of the gorgeous sunset. I’m so grateful for the friendship of these three, the eventual marriage of our children (KIDDING KIDDING), and all of the wonderful things about each of them that make them a special part of my life. Here are my favorites from our time together.


Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien