Usually when I get to my November sessions, the leaves are long gone from the trees, and we have moved out of the foliage stage and into the late fall stage of photography. This year though, the leaves hung on longer than I’ve ever seen, so when I met up with Lauren, Brian, James, Vincent, and Ben at the Audubon on November first, we were all pleasantly surprised that this session would be kissed with some pretty fall colors. To make it even better, we had one of those absolutely magical golden fall sunsets that hit just perfectly as we made our way out of the woods and up onto the hill of the property. This was my first time meeting this crew, and I don’t think there are enough nice words out there for them. Lauren and Brian are so laid back and sweet, and the boys are adorable, close-knit, silly, and so well behaved. Having this beautiful family in front of my cameras on this gorgeous evening was the absolute perfect way to kick off November, and I am so excited to share my many, many favorites from our time together.