
The L Family | Yarmouth Maine Family Photographer

A few weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our tenth anniversary as Yarmouth residents. Over the years, we’ve found ourselves falling more and more in love with this town, and so it is extra special to be asked to photograph fellow Yarmouth people right here in our little village. Two weekends ago, I met the L Family – Jennifer and Jason, with their two boys, Adam and Will. Working at the high school, I’ve seen Adam and Will on occasion and was really looking forward to interacting with them in a different role and capturing them together with their parents. This family’s quiet silly personality was so much fun to photograph as we walked around the grounds of the Royal River Park. As they get ready to head in to Will’s senior year of high school, Jennifer and Jason wanted to capture this special time with all four of them together, before Will heads off to college. Here are my favorites from our time together – I look forward to seeing more of these guys around town!

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien