
The N Family {Higgins Beach} | Scarborough Maine Family Photographer

I am beyond excited to share today’s photos. Today’s post features a family that I just simply adore, and I am a big fan of getting my favorite people in front of my cameras! It has been four years since I last photographed Ang, Pete, Maya, and Julie, and while I knew Ang a little bit last time I took her photos, over the past four years Ang and I have formed a really beautiful friendship through our work as artists in the same town (check out her beautiful paintings at AKN Studio Art!). I was so happy when she asked me to take their photos again this year, and we returned to Higgins Beach, a favorite of all of ours. We almost pulled the plug on our session day, with the beach being socked in with fog (and them really wanting to capture the Higgins scenery), but as luck would have it, the fog cleared just in time and we had a picture-perfect Higgins evening. I’ve always known these four to be a very close-knit family, but this year it was extra evident. With a pre-teen and teenager in the house, I wasn’t sure how playful our session would be, but Maya and Julie showed up excited for pictures and for a fun evening with their parents in their favorite place. There were so many giggles and so much joy the whole time we were together. I’m so grateful to have this family in my orbit, and especially for my friendship with Ang – someone who has taught me to slow down and take in the world around me, and appreciate every moment we have on this Earth. Here are some of my many many favorites of this special family in their special place.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien