
The S Family {Just a Tease} | Wells Maine Family Photographer

Oh man, this week – this week is keeping me on my toes. Last night was three for three dodging storms and ending up with incredible light, and I have to say, I’m totally loving these dramatic skies and pretty colors! Last night I headed to Wells, driving through torrential rain, but trusting my weather app that all would be good an hour south. I arrived to cotton candy skies on one side, and thunder and lightning on the other. We decided to go for it, and I’m so glad we did because last night was so gorgeous and so fun. It’s been a few years since I’ve seen the “S” Family and since then, Lauren, Rob, and Dillon have added little Maren to the crew. This family is always a blast to hang out with, and this year was my favorite so far. Here are a few sneak peeks of our gorgeous and playful evening on Wells Beach. I can’t wait to share more soon!

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien