
The H and B Family {Pine Point Beach} | Scarborough Maine Family Photographer

It seems like just yesterday when I first met Monika, back in the day when it was not quite as common as it is today to meet friends online. We were part of an online group of women expecting babies in September of 2010, and we were lucky to become a pretty tight-knit group during our pregnancies. We were from all over the country, and since then many of us have kept in touch. One family moved here to Maine (you’ll remember the C Family from our fun local sessions) and have become good friends with my family, I’ve met others while they visit Maine or other places in New England, and even had the chance to have lunch in San Francisco with one as well. For Monika, she spent her teenage years here in Maine, but moved away shortly after high school and now lives in Texas. Every summer she and her family return for a few weeks at “home” and I’ve had the extreme pleasure of spending time with them and getting to know Monika in real life over the past several years. I was so excited when she asked if we could do photos this summer, and last week I headed to Pine Point Beach in Scarborough where she was joined by her husband and two kiddos, and her brother Marek’s family, including his wife and son. Monika and Marek are several years apart but grew up together in Poland when Monika was little. And while they don’t get to see each other often, it was incredibly special to bring both families together for their photo session. We dodged storms on this evening, but lucked out as they passed ashore just before our session, and the light on the beach was absolutely incredible. This is one you’ll want to scroll all the way through as the beauty of the evening just got more and more amazing as our time went on. I’m so grateful to Monika for asking me to capture her and her family in their special place and very excited to share my favorites from our fun and playful evening at Pine Point.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien