
The R Family {Higgins Beach} | Scarborough Maine Family Photographer

I have a special soft spot in my heart for families who are just able to roll with it when photo session day doesn’t go totally as planned, and the R Family – Meghan, Strother, Ciro, and Hugo, is one of these families. After EIGHT years of working with this family, one of the things I’ve come to appreciate the most about our time together is that they value capturing the year as it is – creating images that show who the boys are right now, who their family is right now, and also what the world is giving us at any given moment. So, when I looked at the Higgins Beach webcam literally seconds before I left my house for this session and saw sunny skies and then arrived to very very chilly, damp, and dreary skies, I was worried, but knew this family could roll with it. And roll with it, they did. The boys rocked their newly acquired Cape Cod hoodies from their family vacation this year, and the whole family decided to embrace the evening and the crazy weather for exactly what it has been all summer long. As I began editing this session, I instantly fell in love with it – the way the grey skies let the personalities and love of this family really pop. The way they embraced the moment and decided to have fun despite being freezing cold in early August. The way that the boys were totally and completely themselves as they explored the rocks of Higgins, hoods up and cold hands hidden under their sleeves. It was raw and real and beautiful, and one of my most favorite set of images of this family to date. I am so grateful for their ability to roll with it, and so grateful for another year with this beautiful crew in front of my cameras. Here are my favorites!


Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien