
Alec, Owen, Aimee, and Madlyn {Capturing Childhood} | Yarmouth Maine Family, Children, and Lifestyle Photographer

I’ve known my friends Matt and Erin since we were in grade school. Matt and I were in the same grade and friend group throughout school and college, after which he and Erin moved to DC for work. When they decided to return to Maine, they ended up just a few miles down the road, and Matt and I had some pretty good giggles about how crazy it will be to have our kids (each of us with one at the time) grow up together. While our busy lives have not allowed us to get together as much as I’d hoped, it is still pretty awesome having them close by, and even more awesome that last Saturday I got to see my friends, their now-four seriously-sweet children, and their super cute 6-month old puppy Luna at their home here in town. This was my fourth Capturing Childhood session, meaning this session was all about the kids, and they had no problem at all letting me play with them both indoors in the playroom and living room, and then outdoors on a gorgeous 60 degree April morning. All four kids – 1-year-old Madlyn, 2-year-old Aimee, 4-year-old Owen, and 12-year-old Alec have the sweetest personalities. They are warm, friendly, helpful, and kind, and I found myself with the warm fuzzies in my belly as I hung out with them and edited their photos. There is something very special about getting to know the kids of your childhood friends, and Matt and Erin have created a family that is full of love and happiness. Spending the morning with them was the highlight of my weekend, and a good reminder that we need to make a point to spend more time together. Here are my many favorites of the sweet children of the “G” Family.



Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien