I’m not sure how it is even possible that I have completed nine months of this project. With only three months left to go, I’m finding myself a little bit anxious to finish and see my year as a whole, yet in awe that I have taken photos of my own life for a full 276 days in a row as of today.
September is always a busy month, and this one was no different. This September found us back to school, and our house under a bit of construction as we worked hard to get it on the market (yes it’s sold, yes we are staying in town, and yes more details will be shared soon!). It brought Molly’s seventh birthday celebration, and it brought back busy days with two jobs, meaning I found myself scrambling to take my photo in the late evening more than I care to admit. The summer and fall colors began to weave themselves together, and the month as a whole was exciting and challenging, forcing me to work hard for the images I chose for this month’s collection. In the end, it all came together, and I’m excited to have a set of images to represent what was a wild month in the O’Brien household.
There are 30 days in September. Here are our 30 September days of 2017.