
The 366 Project {2024}, February | Maine Lifestyle Photographer

Happy March, everyone!! I’m sitting here on a gorgeous March day with spring-like sunshine, and relatively warm temperatures, very excited for the hope of an early spring. Today I’m excited to look back on Feburary, month number two of this year’s 366 project, and a month that brought lots of excitement and travel. Usually February kind of brings me down – with so much cold and snow, but we’ve had an incredibly mild winter here in the northeast this year, so I actually found myself coming OUT of my winter slump over the course of the month, rather than hanging onto it as usual. February brought us time with family, including a few of my sweet nieces, SO MUCH EXCITEMENT about a Taylor and Travis Super Bowl, and a big trip out west to gorgeous Breckinridge, Colorado, for some really special time in the mountains together with cousins. It was such a treat to have my camera out in a place totally new to me while we were away, and here at home I keep working hard to find new ways to capture the light and love in our everyday. February was good to us, and I can’t wait to see what March brings our way!

There are 28, I mean 29 this year! days in February. These are our 29 days of February, 2024.

Capturing Maine & Beyond
Copyright: Kristina O'Brien