It has been a frigid week here in the northeast, but last Friday it was toasty warm in the beautiful home of the “G” family. While we were hoping for an outdoor session on the beach (yes, we were optimistic for late December!), we decided to move the gang indoors on a day where the high reached a mere 6 degrees (which turned out to be a heat wave compared to the rest of the week!). Julie and Jay were joined by their two boys, Patrick and Travis, along with their wives Kate and Rachal, as well as Travis and Rachal’s seriously cute little guy, 9-month old Joseph. This session was a treat for me as Kate was one of my daughter’s preschool teachers, and I was excited to see her and meet her new in-laws. These guys were easy going and fun, and serious rockstars, even braving the frigid temps for just a few minutes to capture a quick photo in the beautiful snowy backyard. Here are the favorites!