Happy New Year, everyone! I sit here in awe that yet another year has passed, and that yesterday wrapped up my year-long personal project, my 365 project. What began 366 days ago today was the start of an experience that has affected me and my immediate family more than I ever anticipated. Sitting with my husband and daughter this morning, watching the slideshow below with tears in all of our eyes, I truly understood the impact that this project had on not only myself and my own personal goals and growth as a photographer, but also my family unit as a whole, who now has literally an entire year of our life etched in photographs to look back on for generations.
Last week I wrote about the technical side of managing this project, and today I write about the emotional side. To sit here on January first and look back at literally every single day of the past year, fills me with more emotion, love, pride, and honor than I can truly put into words. This project brought my family closer as a unit, brought me closer to my professional work, and formed a bond between myself and my daughter in a way that is unexplainable. This year we had our first big vacation to Disney World, sold our house, and bought a new one. We went shopping, out to eat, and spent more time at Lowe’s than I care to admit. We made new friends, and spent time with old ones. We celebrated family members and welcomed new ones. We had mundane every-day moments, and big exciting adventures. We worked hard. We loved harder. And because of this project, we haveĀ these moments documented to reflect visually upon them any time we want.
Over the past twelve months I have been both surprised and blown away by the amount of support, encouragement, and gratitude shown by family and friends as they watched this project unfold. I give so many thanks to all who commented and texted positive messages throughout the year, and to friends and family who allowed themselves and their kiddos to also be on the other side of my lens. I 100% could not have completed this project without Jim’s willingness to let me spend extra time at the computer uploading, editing, and organizing, and am grateful to him for stepping outside of his own comfort zone and finally letting me photograph him. And of course, this project would have been nothing at all without my dear, sweet, wonderfully Molly Marie – my model, my partnerĀ in crime, and the absolute best thing that has ever happened to me.
Today starts a new adventure, a new year, without a project. The habit is formed and the photos will continue. I cannot wait to see what 2018 brings, and am so so very grateful for all the wonderful things 2017 allowed me to capture. Thank you to all of you who have been by my side during these past 365 days. I’m beyond honored to share this project with you.
There are 365 days in a year. These are our 365 days of 2017.