
The H Family {Fisherman’s Walk and Wiggly Bridge} | York Harbor Maine Family Photographer

Today on the blog it is year number ELEVEN with the H Family – cousins of ours on my husband’s side of the family and some of my favorite people to have in front of my cameras. Ever since Izzy was a little baby, I’ve had the honor of taking photos of this crew – now Meaghan, Brian, Izzy, and Liam, and that honor is something I never take for granted, even when working with family. They are always awesome enough to travel north from Massachusetts for our sessions, and this year we landed at Wiggly Bridge in York. This is such a cool spot, and has been asked about many times by my clients, but is one of those places we really can only take advantage off in the off season when the parking is accessible. We started with some photos along Fisherman’s Walk, and then headed to the jetty and the bridge where we had an awesome sunset overlooking the harbor. This year I noticed such growth in Izzy and Liam – both coming into their tween years. Izzy loves to pose for the camera, and Liam’s sense of humor is still as silly as ever, yet with a little more maturity behind it. Watching families grow up is one of the best parts of what I do, and to have this time with these four year after year is always a bright spot in my year. ????