
The N Family {Fort Popham} | Phippsburg Maine Family Photographer

I think I’m going to deem this as the year that all my regular’s kiddos grew up. Overnight. Without permission. ???? I guess when you’ve been at it as long as I’ve had it’s bound to happen, but this is definitely the year that I’ve seen so many of my little kids turn into big kids and teenagers in what seems like a blink of an eye. I’ve been working with the N Family for over ten years now, ever since Audrey was a toddler and Baxter was on the way. Audrey and Baxter always keep me on my toes – climbing everything they can find, and charming me with their silly antics and giggles. This year we headed to Fort Popham – the PERFECT place for some good climbing and adventuring in and around the fort and the beach. This year Audrey has definitely become a teenager, with their own style, charm, and seriously awesome theater kid energy, and Baxter is still ready to run and climb and explore and be goofy with his sibling and parents. We found ourselves exploring all of this really cool area together on an evening that started cloudy and then turned into soft gorgeous skies as an unexpected sunset creeped in at the end. As always, I loved my time with this sweet family and I’m excited to share favorites from our fun fort session.