I kicked off November this year with the C Family – Rebecca, Doug, Grace and Owen at Fort Williams in Cape Elizabeth. This was my first time meeting this family, and I had the best time with them exploring their favorite spot close to home. It didn’t take long for Grace and Owen to come […]
Two years ago I met Hannah, Tim, Emma, and Dan for a quick session in the fall on Higgins Beach. I was thrilled when Hannah reached out for a full session this year, excited to spend more time with her and her beautiful family. I know I sound like a broken record on the blog […]
I am very fortunate to have many clients who have been with me for several years, and Katlyn, Andy, Henry, and Lily make up one of these special families. Since Henry was just 6 months old, I’ve had the pleasure of watching this family grow. Henry and Lily always make me laugh – they are […]
For six years now, I’ve had the honor of photographing Jenny and Ryan and their beautiful boys Abe and Luke. It is really amazing to watch a family blossom from those early newborn days into the toddler and big kid years, and every fall I so look forward to my time with this crew. In […]
Happy December, everyone! I cannot believe we are here in December already, and I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday! Over the past few weeks I have been buuuuuuusting my tail to get all of my October and November edits to their families, and my blogging has been put a bit on the back […]
Every fall I offer two days of mini sessions, usually one on the beach and one in the woods. This year I had both once again, and hosted eleven different families over two days for some really incredible fall mini sessions. Day one was on the beach at Crescent Beach State Park in Cape Elizabeth, […]