Happy New Year!! 🎉 It seems insane to me that I am already sitting down to share my favorite images from 2024. Last year was one for the books in so many ways, and this is my BIGGEST favorites post EVER. Maybe I’m just indecisive, maybe 2025 me has decided not to be an over […]
It has been 10 years since I last had Erika, Adam, James, and Ingrid in front of my cameras and I was THRILLED when Erika reached out this fall to have me photograph her family once again. And while I obviously expected to see two kids who had grown up A LOT since I last […]
After seven years of photographing Lauren, Kevin, Sebastian and Lillian, I was totally shocked when I realized we had not yet made it to Crescent Beach together, so I was totally pumped when I suggested it as a location for this year’s session and they agreed. If anyone was there on this same night, you […]
Last fall I met Lindsey, John, Tessa, and Simon for the first time at the Audubon in Falmouth for what I thought might have been the cutest night ever – until a few weeks ago when I got to spend another evening with them, this time at Higgins Beach. The cuteness level was off the […]
Every year since 2017, I have looked forward to my annual session with the G Family – Jessica, Tim, Kallie, Abby, and grandma Sara. Our sessions are scheduled during the family’s annual trip to Maine to visit Sara, and each year our time together gets more fun and more adventurous. This year we headed to […]
Back in 2021, I met Kerri, Pat, their two boys Danny and Jack, and Kerri’s parents on the shores of Goose Rocks Beach. I was so happy when Kerri reached out again this year for another session, this time with Pat’s parents and sister’s family, and Kerri’s mom, too. This crew visits Goose Rocks every […]